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Code of Conduct

All students of the College shall comply with instructions given in the prospectus and shall abide by the instructions given by college authorities. All students of the College shall disclose details and produce documents thereof when asked to do so by all persons who are authorized to act on behalf of the College, by a Proctor or members of the proctorial board.

No student of the College shall have in his or her possession or supply to any other person any unauthourised drug.

No student of the College shall act in such a way as to cause unnecessary risk to the health or safety of any person on the premises of the College, or another College, or of the University, and no student of the College shall act in such a way as to cause unnecessary risk or damage to the property of any such person, or of the College, or of another College, or of the University.

No student of the College shall intentionally or recklessly damage or deface or knowingly misappropriate any property (including computer-stored information) of the College, of another College or of the University.

Neglect and inattention to studies, undesirable conduct and activities inside and outside the class-room, disobedience of orders, strikes, hooliganism, vandalism or causing damage to the properties of the Institute and use of unfair means during examinations etc., will amount to acts of indiscipline and students found indulging in such acts of indiscipline are liable to punishment by fine in cash, suspension or even expulsion from the Institute.

Ragging and sexual harassment are strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion/rustication/suspension/fine.

Proctorial Board 2024-25

# Name Position
1 Prof. Rajat Kumar Chief Proctor
2 Dr. Lokesh Kumar Saxena Proctor
3 Dr. R.N. Agnihotri Proctor
4 Dr. Devesh Dubey Proctor
5 Dr. Rashmi Srivastava Proctor
6 Prof. Seema Arya Proctor
7 Dr. Monika Agrawal Proctor
8 Dr. Amarendra Pratap Gond Proctor
9 Dr. Pradeep Kumar Proctor
10 Dr. Amar Singh Proctor
11 Dr. Rohit Singh Proctor
12 Dr. Raj Kumar Proctor
13 Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh Proctor

Board Staff:

# Name
1 Shri Ram Sajivan Nishad
2 Shri Pradeep K. Yadav

List of Chief Proctors

# Name Position Tenure
1 Dr. S. K. Pradhan Chief Proctor 1970-1981
2 Major Suresh Bahadur Chief Proctor 1981-1985
3 Dr. G. B. Mathur Chief Proctor 1987-2001
4 Dr. J. P. Singh Chief Proctor 2001-2005
5 Dr. B. K. Mishra Chief Proctor 2005-2009
6 Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Chief Proctor 2009-2012
7 Dr. Awadhesh Singh Chief Proctor 2012-2016
8 Pro. Rajul Kumar Saxena Chief Proctor 2016-2018
9 Prof. Rajat Kumar Srivastava Chief Proctor 2018 - Continue

Chief Proctor

Rajat Kumar
Dr. Rajat Kumar
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
+91 9450153484
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