The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is a vital component of educational institutions, particularly of higher educational Institutions (HEIs). The establishment of IQAC is often in response to the accreditation requirements of accrediting bodies in the education sector. It serves as a proactive system for quality sustenance and enhancement in educational institutions. Its primary purpose is to cultivate and promote an environment of quality culture within the institution. IQAC works towards continuous improvement in the overall performance of the institution by implementing various quality assurance measures and initiatives. The establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as per the guidelines and the mandate of NAAC has a pivotal and fundamental role concerning quality education and research in HEIs. The IQAC of Dayanand Anglo-Vedic (PG) College, Kanpur was statutorily constituted on 1st of August, 2006. Since then, it has been functioning as the key player in the preparation, planning, maintenance, and improvement of the academic and administrative quality of the institution and constantly pursues the holistic growth and development of the college in all fields.
At present time, the body of the college IQAC is headed by the Principal of the college, Prof. (Dr.) Arun Kumar Dixit, as it’s Chairperson, and Prof. Pushpendra Kumar Tripathi, Department of Mathematics, as its convener. The other members of the IQAC include certain faculties of the college, an alumni nominee, an industrial representative, a college accountant, and the office superintendent. The IQAC is mandated to have a constant vigil over the execution of the university curriculum, teaching, learning, and research environment along with various evaluation-related issues. It also provides consultancy to various departments and committees of the college regarding the academic, cultural, co-curricular, extra-curricular, extension and progression activities, examination reforms along student support mechanisms. The IQAC plays a major role in improving the academic and administrative performance of the college.
The major objectives of Internal Quality Assurance Cell are:
1. Development and Application of Quality Benchmarks:
2. Facilitating Quality Improvement:
3. Organizing Workshops and Seminars:
4. Documentation and Benchmarking:
5. Quality Assurance in Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation:
6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:
7. Collaboration with Stakeholders:
8. Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR):