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History of Department of Geography
The Geography Department of Dayanand Anglo-Vedic (PG) College, Kanpur (one of the oldest and largest colleges in India), was established in 1944. At that time, there were only 08 students in this department at the undergraduate level. Four years later, in 1948, post-graduate classes with 09 students were started in the department. Since then, research activities were incepted that enabled the Department to produce Doctoral research. Main Areas of Academic Thrust are Geomorphology, Climatology and Oceanography, Agricultural Geography, Population Geography, Environmental Geography, Regional Development and Planning, Social & Cultural Geography, Urban Geography, Settlement Geography, Resource Development and Management, Marketing Geography, Health Geography, Industrial Geography. It was a wonderful coincidence and matter of pride that Dr. P.N. Nigam, who was a student here at the time of it’s establishment, later became the Principal of this college.
From it’s inception, the department chose the path of progress and many eminent personalities increased the dignity and glory of the department from time to time. Dr. R.L. Dwivedi, Prof. R.C. Dixit, and Arun Kumar Yadav have made notable contributions. Dr. R. L. Dwivedi later became the professor and head of Allahabad University. Prof. R.C. Dixit held the post of Director General of Police of Uttar Pradesh and Arun Kumar Yadav holding the post of Income Tax commissioner of Delhi. Notable names among the other students are Prof. Lekhraj Singh, Anil Tiwari and Vijay Kumar Srivastava. Lekhraj Singh and Anil Tiwari later became professors and head of University of Allahabad and Jodhpur University, Rajasthan respectively. Vijay Kumar Srivastava was an IAS officer and posted in Chandigarh.
The department has progressed in the aspects pertaining to students and teachers, both qualitative and quantitative. The department has organised and coordinated international Geographical conferences. The department has organised many International & national Conferences/ seminar/ workshops/ lecture series in year 1998, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2015, 2018 and 2021 on different themes. The department right from it’s start and at present is quite competent in every aspect like teaching, guiding of the students coming from different socio-economic classes.
Seven members of the department are well efficient and competent in teaching both Hindi and English languages. Faculty members have been updated themselves with modern teaching and learning methods. Many faculty members of the department have completed UGC Minor Research Project and Major Research Projects. The Department also has a Geographical Research Group to intensify research, inculcate interest, and develop observational skills in geography. The meetings are held regularly every fortnight. Teachers and students participate in these meetings. It is a forum for research students to present their doctoral works, the research papers and their findings and to defend it. Thorough discussions also take place.
The Departmental library contains one of the richest collections of Books and Journals of Geography. At present, it has nearly 1500 Books (reference and Textbooks) and 25 Journals (15 International and 10 national). The Department is well equipped with 3 Desktop Computers, 1 Laptop with 2 printers and surveying instruments such as Theodolite, Dumpy Level, Sextant, Prismatic Compass, Telescopic Alidade, Plain Table, Abney Level, Indian Clinometer etc. in different numbers. Meteorological instruments, Cartographic instruments, Cameras, Calculators, and Projectors are also available in the department.

Department Contact:
Prof. Romal Saxena: 9450147389
Dr. Kumar Amit: 9838100533
Email Id: geography.dav@gmail.com

Department Contact:

9450147389 geography.dav@gmail.com

Faculty of Geography Department

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