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Department of Economics is one of the oldest departments established simultaneously with Dayanand-Anglo Vedic (DAV) College in 1919. Since its inception, the Department has been offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Economics. The Department has a long tradition of imparting quality education and conducting in-depth research. Many of its alumni hold prominent positions both in academics and administrative spheres across the country and the world. The department thrives to reach standards of excellence in teaching and research.
The teaching programmes in the Department give proper emphasize on blending of quality and significance with equal importance on theoretical and applied economics. The research programmes give special attention to economic problems of the country. This includes the various fields of Economic Growth and Development, Monetary Economics, International Economics, Public Finance, Financial Economics, Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Environmental Economics, Labour Economics, Population Studies and History of Economic Thought.
The vision of the department consists of exploring the economic study and analysis, policy framing and execution issues faced by the Indian Economy. The department is dedicated to set high standards of academic performance and deliver quality education to students.

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